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Lecture 25: Virtual & Augmented Reality (55)

In 61c last semester we actually had a couple projects revolving around simulating depth perception on the computer and improving the performance using various optimization techniques like OpenMP and SIMD instructions which is oddly tied in to a lot of stuff discussed in this lecture! (Specs for anyone curious: ,


How does the rotation of the eyes in sockets converge the image


Each eye sees different things, and what convergence means is that the two eyes fields match. An example of not converging would be double vision


A mis-calibrated display will force your eyes to cross to a certain degree. I wonder if that does any damage in the long term.


If we're talking about actual human eyes, then yes, mis-calibration between the eyes has long-term effects. Strabismus is the condition in which the eyes do not properly align when looking at an object. It can lead to a condition in which the input from one eye is essentially ignored, meaning you can lose depth perception and other binocular cues to some extent (but perhaps it is worth it to keep consistency in visual input?) For more info:

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