In Spring 2023, the class of CS184 produced almost 80 team projects. Teams had broad flexibility over 4 weeks to investigate a topic of their interest, and final projects ranged over topics that included rendering, simulation, geometric modeling and processing, computational imaging, and machine learning.
The projects below were selected as Showcase Winners and Honorable Mentions. Thanks to all the students for your hard work, and a special congratulations to the teams recognized below!
Projects are alphabetically listed.
Showcase Winners
CUDA-Accelerated Explosion Animation by Anthony Ebiner, Shruteek Mairal, Srisai Nachuri, Maddy Chen

Fog by Meiqi Sun, Akhil Vemuri, Connor Dang, and Samuel Berkun

FLIPing Fluids by Tianchen Liu, Riley Peterlinz, Anders Museth, Rhea Senthil Kumar
Gargantua: Ray-Tracing Schwarzchild Black Holes by Aseem Doriwala, Sarthak Kamat, Vincent Lim, Jeremy Ferguson
GenshinNeRF(Shaders + Real Time NeRF) by Levy (Chun) Deng, Jason Yang, Rahul Shah, Pierre Le
Jello, World! by Allen Gu, Noah Adhikari, Jedidiah Tsang, Jonathan Lu

N-Body Simulator by Alex Jean, Ryan Kee, Kevyn Ramirez, Amit Bhandal
Neural Emission and Absorption Fields by Jake Austin, Lucas Armand, Ellie Hubach

Path Tracing Photorealistic 3D Fractals by Chetan Khanna, Miles Turin, Inga Zhuravleva, Kenneth Lien

Simulake: Cellular Automata Based Rendering by Viraat Chandra, Joe Mo, May Liu, Atharva Patil

Honorable Mentions
Making Minecraft Look Good by Shahar Sandhaus, Duan Lyu, Ziqi Shi, Vincent Lee
Pathtracing Lenses & Autofocus by Joey Li, Bryce Casaje, Derwin Wu, Morgan Lyu

Real-time Fractal Rendering by Winston Liu, David Zhang, Matthew Sun

Sky, and Rainbow (or Halo?) by Yuerou Tang, Zhihan Cheng, Long He, Debby Lin