Extra credit: Additional cloth simulation features!

For this project, try adding some additional technical features to further improve your cloth simulation! Feel free to browse recently published research papers, or check out some of the following suggested ideas:

  • Add wind (which is a spatially varying force)
  • More robust self-collisions than spatial hashing (e.g. use a axis-aligned bounding box hierarchy to figure out where parts of the cloth intersect)
  • Add the ability to move objects using the GUI around in the scene and have them collide with objects (could move the cloth, or move the sphere or plane, etc.)
  • Add other 3D primitives and show that your cloth properly collides with them

For extra credit, you may need to modify other parts of the simulation infrastructure as well as add your own source files. Exercise your creativity and feel free to run all over the skeleton!

Extra credit deliverables

  • If you implemented any additional technical features for the cloth simulation, clearly describe what you did and provide screenshots that illustrate your work. If it is an improvement compared to something already existing on the cloth simulation, compare and contrast them both in words and in images.