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Lecture 12: Monte Carlo Integration (20)

What is the advantage of taking random samples?


Averaging random samples may help when it is hard or inefficient to derive symbolic answer for the integration. This method is also easy to parallelize.


@Sicheng-Pan all of those things can be achieved by a uniform np.linspace spaced samples. Why specifically do we make it stochastic? Is it for speedup purposes?


One benefit of sampling stochastically is that it's a tad bit more reliable in a general case. Let's say that we wanted to estimate 0ncos(2πx)dx\int_0^{n} \cos (2\pi x)\, dx, and sampled at intervals of 1.1. Then, whenever we sampled, we would get cos(2iπ)=1\cos (2i\pi) = 1. Even if we adjusted the integral a bit: 0ncos((2π+ε)x)dx,\int_0^{n} \cos ((2\pi+\varepsilon) x)\, dx, for small-ish nn, we would get the same problem. Of course, this is a "worst case", and changing this to, say intervals of 12,\frac{1}{2}, would give us a much much better answer. However, if we sample stochastically, there isn't really a "worst case" at all. Of course, we might have to sample more, but there is no "trial and error" (of, say, the sample size) necessary to get a good estimate for the integral. Especially for more complicated functions, maybe it's the case that it one cannot simply inspect a good interval length.


I would imagine MC integration to perform badly for highly stochastic functions. For example, a mostly uniform function with small spikes is likely to produce a bad estimate using MC integration.

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