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Lecture 13: Global Illumination & Path Tracing (120)

This scene seems challenging since the reflection is an upside reflection of the environment so adjusting for the refraction and the odd reflection as well as the source of light that is displayed on the bottom. The glass ball changes with the light rays so much which can make this scene difficult for path tracing despite the 1000 paths / pixel.


The term for this is caustics.


I also notice a bunch of white specs which seem to be due to some (relatively low) probabilities + noise as we have light from difference sources and path tracing cannot tell where the light is coming from (due to inherent stochasticity)


Pathtracing works best in scenes with single point or directional light. The glossy pattern that reflects light in this image can result in noisy and inconsistent results for light off the reflective materials in the image.

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