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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (19)
mylinhvu11 This video helped me visualize the differences in the focal lengths and their effect on the distortion of the subject, the distances it is able to best capture, and the blurriness effect based on the lens.


This article gives me a better understanding of the focal length, the FOV, and the relationship in between. I understand that if the focal length is long, then it will have a narrower angle of view. And if the focal length is short, then it will have a wider angle of view. But when I use the camera to zoom in isn't that shorter the focal length which should end up with a narrower angle of view due to common sense? Because I am zooming in on an object it should show a close-up view.


If we compare the diagram of how focal length affects FOV, we can intuitively see why the changes in the FOV images occur. When we increase focal length, not only does the scene in the background become more prominent, but the buildings in the foreground become less distorted, more straightened out, and get more and more cut off as the FOV becomes both narrower and less curved along their radius.


Why would the image be distorted at the edge for the largest field of view on the upper left image?

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