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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (56)
mylinhvu11 This video helps explains both how a physical and electronic shutter works since before I only understood the mechanics of the physical one. It also delineates the pros and cons of using either sensor in different situations. I think it gives a good overview of the shutters along with showing the effects in the images based on the images.


What sort of technology is used to speed up the processing of pixels for electronic shutters? Is it hardware or software related?


Despite the rolling shutter artifact, would electronic shutters still be used commonly in high-speed photography—especially in situations where the mechanical shutter can't open and close fast enough (e.g. maximum 1/4000 for mechanical, but 1/32000 for electronic)? I'm thinking of scenarios in areas like astronomy where one is taking pictures of very bright objects very far away (so there is little apparent movement from our perspective, and we need a higher shutter speed to be able to reduce exposure), so electronic shutters may be useful.

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