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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (91)

Is there an optimal depth of field vs motion blur for each image? How do photographers generally decide? Is it just based on experience or is there some kind of rule?


Im interested in this too. If I were to guess, it depends on how the photographer is trying to focus the image. If they want to focus more on the foreground or moving object, since like the left image and right image can convey different stories for the audience.


I'm a little confused about the image generated from 1/2 a second exposure. Was this taken with a tripod? At half a second I would assume one would not be able to hold the camera still enough, even pressing the button to take the photo results in a little bit of shake.


How was this taken, was the person in the picture able to wave their hand at exactly a frequency of f/11 or f/32? Or what?


I wonder which one of these is the closest to what we see with our eyes? I tried to wave my hand around and also focus on a very close object with my eyes, and I found out that I can experience both motion blur and blurring from a distance, but the effects look slightly different from what the photographs showed.


I'm kind of surprised that the hand becomes invisible in the last image. I would think that even though the hand is waving around and will blur, it passes through the same points enough repeatedly due to its periodic motion for the exposure to pick up the hand. Instead, the hand is entirely faded and we only see the background.

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