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Lecture 20: Fluid Simulation (1)

this is so cool, I wonder how large scale implementations are made efficient


I'm curious how to implement how much motion occurs within the liquid and also how to activate the color changes into white to illustrate the crashes of the waves. It's pretty neat how it moves around the lighthouse and stays within the bounds of the animation.


In liquids, particles don't really move much beneath the surface if there's no convection. I wonder if performance could be sped up by considering the depth/density of the liquid and only moving particles that are above a certain depth.


I think the color change of those waves comes from those smaller drops of water that break from a large body of water when being hit on the shore. Small water drops are like small prisms and reflect/refract light differently than a bigger water body. Since the probability of light being reflected and refracted into the environment is nearly the same in all directions, the waves look white, and this can be simulated as well. It is not that the water/liquid has changed its color when being crashed.


I've seen a cool final project done by a group last spring that captures the movement of a water mass being dropped into a cube. It creates a similar color change to what shown in the example.


Although I agree with joey, I think it is probably incredibly inefficient to calculate the reflection/refraction for individual water particles in this case. Perhaps changing the actual color of the water might be more efficient by testing for proximity to other particles?


@modatberkeley I agree with this sentiment, while I'm sure it's possible to simulate the phenomena that cause this effect, it seems like we can attain a good enough approximation by checking the "sparseness" of a particle. I do wonder how the rendering of a single particle differs from the rendering of many particles however, how do we smooth over discrete particles while marking sure small amounts of particles remain visible, or if we even have to account for this.

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