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Lecture 23: Color Science (18)

I found these two cool websites that allow you to see other colors through the eyes of those who see color differently: (this one helps understand how colors in data visualizations would look and how conveying information through color isn't always be accessible to everyone)


Also another simple way to do this is to open Photoshop, and change the color mode to LAB. and disable A channel or B channel. In this sense, LAB colorspace is more representative of how human visual system perceive color than typical sRGB space


It is interesting to see how "color-blind" people's perception are to the real world. I also found some colorblind artists' work to be interesting. They provide a different perspective of understanding the world


I am interested to see if there is a comparison between what colorblind people see when they use the colorblind glasses vs what normal people see. I think I've heard that it's still different but it's much better.

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