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Lecture 25: Image Sensors (24)

Green light is never reflected and directly goes to the sensor. Is it related to that we need more green pixels?


This video has a cool example of the prism splitting light into the three colors. Interestingly, the video also mentioned that these prisms can also be used to combine light together. For example, LCD projectors would shine 3 LCDs separately, using the prism to combine the light for the projection.


yzliu567 I believe the design is because green light has medium frequency/wavelength. The first dichroic coating is a low pass filter that allows low frequency (long wavelength). The second coating is a high-pass filter that allows short wavelength. The order is arranged in such a way because green wavelength is in the middle.


@yzliu567 I think we have more green pixels because humans are more sensitive to green light, so we want to model the same (from prev slides).


How are these prisms machined? It almost seems like a case where simulation is easier because it's not as subject to manufacturing issues.

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