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Lecture 25: Image Sensors (39)

How common is this practice of taking multiple shots and then combining the best parts together? Is it usually combined by hand or is there specific software to do this? How do they make the transitions in different exposures look natural?


I assume that there is some sort of software/algorithm that is used to choose the pixel values, given that the brightnesses in this final image are between the brightnesses of the two original shots.

I do also have a followup question, though. It looks to me like the buildings on the left are brighter relative to the buildings on the right in this final image. However, in general, we also probably still want the buildings on the right to be somewhat brighter than the ones on the left in the final image. So in other words, we have seemed to have decreased the ratio of brightness, but didn't make them equally bright. How do we exactly determine how much we alter this ratio when doing HDR?

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