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Lecture 25: Image Sensors (62)

I think it's implied in the slides, but is the reason why BSI is better is because it's able to capture more light? Why is this not strictly better and what are the advantages of FSI?


@yjp20 It might be more complex to create the BSI structure. One thing the professor mentioned during lecture was that to produce the thin BSI silicon layer, you have to shave off parts of the silicon, which seems like a delicate process.


To expand on this, in addition to just being cheaper to produce, it is a lot easier to produce really big FSI pixels, so for applications like large electronic billboards where you need really big pixels, its more beneficial to use something like FSI that is cheaper and easier to produce at that scale.


Besides receiving more light, BSI can be better for reasons like allowing for larger diodes to further improve the amount of light that can be received, as well as things like better color reproduction due to minimized scattering.

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