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Lecture 26: Image Processing (18)

I remember how saving the raw HEIC files on my phone would typically be a couple of megabytes for a single picture while the exported JPEG would be no more than a couple hundred of kilobytes.


Steven Spielberg's documentary "They Shall Not Grow Old" used JPEG compression as part of the process for restoring and colorizing footage from World War I. It's use aided the manipulation and storing of color info for each frame as the footage varied in source material (cameras, degradation, etc.)


One interesting aspect of DCT, which is computed for each 8x8 block of pixels is that Discrete Cosine Transform works best when the adjacent pixels are similar, and in a photograph with blocks of pixels this is often the case. Thus, the JPEG compression algorithm overall is best for smoother tonal variations rather than ones with sharp edges or high contrast.

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