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Lecture 5: Texture Mapping (1)

Question for thought -- for this scene, does it make sense to have one texture image or multiple (perhaps, per object)? What would be the advantages/disadvantages one way or another?


Rounded objects like the ball and the bells of the lamps, I think it would probably be fine to just have one, since the lighting and geometry of the objects will go a long way to making things realistic. For the floor though, it would maybe make more sense to have multiple textures or some sort of displacement map since the surface is flat and there for looks a little to pristine. There is much less in terms of geometry and lighting to make it look real. That said, more maps would be more expensive, and since the main focus of the scene is clearly the lamps and ball, it is likely that a human woodn't (get it?) pay much attention to the floor anyways


I think it depends on the goal for the scene. I think if we want efficiency, then it is better to have one texture image because we don't need to switch between different textures (loading 1 texture vs 100). On the other hand, if we want to animate the scene, then I assume that it would be better to use multiple texture images/objects. We can simply transform the UV of the ball (or whatever we want to animate). This would be a lot harder to do when we only have one texture image and the result might look funky.


If you wanted to have more definition and a more real feel for the objects, it would definitely be more ideal to use multiple textures. This would allow you to capture all the tiny details and get the exact types of features for the whole surface of the object. One downside of this would be that it would require more performance to be able to handle all the different textures.


Using more textures would require more processing to apply them all and it would also create more data files that need to be stored. However the advantage of using multiple textures per object would be greater detail per component. This might make sense for the smaller lamp since the head of the lamp is fairly simple but the body seems to have intricate geometric shapes.

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