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Lecture 5: Texture Mapping (23)

Can any of the 3 letters ever be of a negative value? If so, how would that be depicted?


If a letter be negative, the point(x,y) will be out of the triangle. To ensure the point is in the triangle, these three letters need to be positive. Actually, you can draw it by yourself on a paper to see what will happen when letter is negative:)


Good question and response! Yes, this is a recommended exercise for all students to work on a piece of paper where (x,y)(x,y) would be located if α\alpha, β\beta and γ\gamma are negative values, or larger than one. Or how about when one of them is exactly equal to 0 or 1?


I believe the answer to professor's question would be if α,β,γ\alpha,\beta, \gamma are negative or larger than 1, then the point will be outside of the triangle. If one of them equals to 0, then the point will be on the line where the corresponding edge is. If one of them equals to 1, then the point will be somewhere on the a line parallel to the corresponding edge which intersect the vertex opposite to the corresponding edge.

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