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Lecture 5: Texture Mapping (31)

Wanted to clarify are [alpha, beta, and gamma] the same for both initial equations, and is the barycentric coordinates just the point of most texture in that specific shape?


I believe alpha, beta, and gamma are the same for both equations here since that's what is shown is Disc 2 and if you multiply my the texture matrix on both sides in equation 2, then it gives you equation 3. I think the barycentric coordinates are just a way to express points within a triangle and interpolate the texture value there.

Separately, sorry if I missed this, but how are the triangle vertex coordinates determined again? In both the screen and texture space


I understand the concept behind barycentric coordinates to accomplish the interpolation for textures, colors, and positions, but I was just curious how efficient this was when computed over a large, or very complex object? Given that we have to solve a linear system for alpha, beta, and gamma, this makes me curious if the efficiency is maintained when the object becomes large or complex, when split into triangular subdomains.

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