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Lecture 5: Texture Mapping (50)

How does point sampling relate to or differ from sampling 3D points like point clouds to model the real world? Do most modern games and applications use high-resolution point sampling textures?


@leerach Thanks for your question!

In this slide, by "point sampling" using a single texture image sample per screen pixel. The image on the right is a rendering of a ground plane texture mapped with the blue grid stored as a high resolution texture image. The image on the right was rendered with one sample per framebuffer pixel, the texture coordinate at that pixel was computed as described earlier in lecture, and then the color in the texture image at the pixel nearest to that texture coordinate was copied to the framebuffer.

Coming back to your question, in point clouds we may indeed sample 3D points, e.g. with depth cameras. These are separate concepts than what we mean here by "point sampling" -- it's just a naming collision!

As to your last question, most modern games use high-resolution textures (AKA texture maps, AKA texture images), but they do NOT use point sampling. They use antialiased texture sampling -- e.g. mipmapping or something more advanced. Why? This is explored in the "Texture Antialiasing" portion of this lecture.

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