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Lecture 6: Rasterization Pipeline (72)

Something to add on about VR framerates: when the frame rate drops below a certain target on most headsets (this was most seen in the original Playstation VR due to a relative lack of power), a "fake" frame is generated by "reprojecting" the older frame onto the new position of the tracked headset. This fake frame doesn't have any of the new information a new frame would, but is able to still keep the illusion of the scene. This is done to reduce motion sickness and to keep immersion.

Here's the wikipedia page about this technique for more reading:


Interesting! That idea, and also this nature scene in the slide, reminds me of some recent work in computer vision -- Infinite Nature and Infinite Nature Zero, though the problem is addressed in many papers. Inpainting ideas can be leveraged to fill in holes where there were no reprojected pixels.

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