In Spring 2024, the class of CS184 produced around 80 team projects. Teams had broad flexibility over 4 weeks to investigate a topic of their interest, and final projects ranged over topics that included rendering, simulation, geometric modeling and processing, computational imaging, and machine learning.
The projects below were selected as Showcase Winners and Honorable Mentions. Thanks to all the students for your hard work, and a special congratulations to the teams recognized below!
Projects are alphabetically listed.
Showcase Winners
Artemis by Ralph Cao, Arjun Damerla, Preston Fu, Julia Sun
FluidPong by Trinity Chung, Anna Dymchenko, Oliver Ni, Tiffany Sun
Lights, Camera, Dungeon! by Abhi Alderman, Jason Dang, Juno Lee, Saif Moolji
Steve Bobs Mesh Painter 2.1 by Rebecca Feng, Khai Sam, Olivia Xie, Mahum Khan
Strandbeest Simulation by Derek Guo, Marcus Cheung, Pranav Kolluri, Rohan Agrawal

Stylized and Textured Primitive-Based Paintings by Aayush Gupta, Ethan Yu, William John Molnar-Brock, Yulia Nugroho
Honorable Mentions
3D Falling Sand by Aaron Haowen Zheng, Sylvia Chen, Artem Shumay, Lawrence Lam
CrushFX: Mesh Deformation & Crumple Zone Simulation by Rishi Khare, Mukhamediyar Kudaikulov, Aniketh Prasad, Alson Chan

Fish Simulator by Stefan Pham, An Le, William Yau
Going Sigma on ViCMA by Bill Shao, Jonathan Pei, Tobias Worledge, Dominic Conricode

Honey, I Upped the Viscosity! by Ashley Chiu, Emmanuel Duarte, Dana Feng, Raymond Tan

Minecraft Shading by Brian Kim, Wesley Zhuang, Yuxiang Jiang, Mark Nguyen
Realistic Thin Film Rendering & Simulation by Tanush Talati, Aishik Bhattacharyya, Joshua You, Destiny Luong
Spectral Raytracer by Dawson Do, Joshua Fernandes, Jeremy Chen, Jingyi Guo

TerrainGen Ray Marching by Raine Koizumi, Arav Misra, Sophia Sunkin, Arjun Palkhade