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Lecture 11: Radiometry and Photometry (19)

Since the light bulb is not a perfect sphere, would the flux at different points on the surface be different? I'd imagine it would be similar at different points, since the distance from the source and surfaces are very similar.


While red and green LEDs were created in laboratories in the 1950s-1960s, blue ones were notoriously hard to make. It took three decades to produce high-brightness blue LEDs - a discovery that eventually earned Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics. Blue LEDs use several layers of gallium nitride (GaN), a semiconductor with a bandgap directly corresponding to the wavelength of ultraviolet light, mixed with Indium (In) and aluminum (Al). This enabled a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way to create long-lasting white light.

An explanatory pdf from the Nobel Foundation:


This slide made me wonder, I wonder if there would be a use in creating a unit based around radiance of a standard lightbulb. Personally, as a consumer, I would have no idea how much light 815 lumens corresponds to, but if there was a unit based on some standard light bulb, I feel like people would have a pretty intuitive sense of how bright the light is before buying it. Of course, physics and the like won't be done with these units, it would just be a translation for the packaging to make the brightness more clear to consumers.


how would the intensity of the same area from a light bulb differ when viewing from different parts of the bulb? for example, LEDs are usually light sources that are attached to a solid base, so does that mean that when viewing from below, the light would be less intense?

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