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Lecture 11: Radiometry and Photometry (46)

How does this work exactly? What is the fourth dimension, and how does having multiple cameras help here?


@rohanku from my understanding, I think the idea is that each camera creates a 2D image, and so a 2D array of 2D cameras comes out to 4D. What exactly that means in physical terms isn't really intuitive, but the generated data matrix would be four-dimensional.


The first 2 coordinates would be the x, y position of the camera in the plane, and the last two would be the direction of the incoming light ray (you can think of these as either a phi and theta or as pixel coordinates in the corresponding image). A light field would be a function of 4 variables which outputs the color of the ray. Having multiple cameras resolves the depth ambiguity created when projecting a 3D scene onto a 2D image.

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