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Lecture 13: Global Illumination & Path Tracing (36)

It seems that we can compute the light transport explicitly by performing a series of transformations. In this case, we don't have discrete valued matrices like in this case of the transforms we studied earlier on.


When watching the recording for this slide. I was able to understand the idea behind the reflection operator taking in a incoming radiance and outputting an outgoing radiance. However, I have trouble understanding how a transport function works based on scene intersections. How is that used in turning an outgoing reflected radiance into an incoming one?


How do the transport and reflection operators interact to model the behavior of light as it reflects off surfaces?


It seems like the R(L_i) = L_o is missing the component of L_o that is not from reflected incoming light but comes from a light source at that point. If we just assume that R(L_i) = L_o like we see here, we later find that L_o = L_e + R(T(L_o)), which simplified using the equations here, would mean that L_o = L_e + L_o, which is not right but L_e could be non-zero. I think on this slide, it would be more accurate to say that R(L_i) gives the component of emitted light in some direction based purely on reflection. This is hinted at given by the name of the R operator, but could be made more explicit in my opinion.

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