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Lecture 14: Material Modeling (42)

It's interesting to see that the reason that hair has a sort of shimmery look is because of the ridges on each hair strand. I did some searching and Pixar's Renderman uses the Marschner Model for hair, and has diffuse/specular gain and color parameters affecting the way hair interacts with light.


To my understanding the differences between Kajiya kay and the Marschner model is that Kajiya kay is simpler by just representing a hairy strand as a cylinder while marschner takes into account how hair interacts with light in the real world by including the absorption and scattering by the hair fibers.


It looks like the Marschner Model is a refined version of the Kajiya-Kay Model. The main difference is that there are new variables introduced like the TRT, R and TT reflections. The Kajiya-Kay was still groundbreaking for its time, but this new model was different since it could model the way light interacts with hair fibers. This gives the rendered hair models a much more realistic feel.

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