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Lecture 14: Material Modeling (46)

Something about this fog seems off, I cannot pinpoint what exactly, but it looks too artificial. I think it might be that the pattern looks too nonuniform as if it were just applied normal maps with increasing blur in the distance instead of proper volumetrics.


@508312 I agree that the fog seems off I think for me it's the texture of the fog that seems very hard and solid vs the fluid nature of fog normally


@508312 @zy5476 I agree as well, I think my issue with the fog here is that I can actually "see" the fog, if that makes sense. It kinda looks how the reflection of water looks on another surface, but here the surface is the environment and an environment shouldn't be a "surface" per say so the fog looks flat and out of place as a whole. But the idea of fog is 100% conveyed thanks to how the street lights are interacting with the fog but the car lights look they are under water instead of surrounded in fog. What type of BRDF should fog have? Does it change depending on what kind of fog (heavy and close to floor would be denser compared to the filling a whole environment being more wispy and opaque)

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