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Lecture 14: Material Modeling (48)

Absorbed and scattered are two different results. So when we calculate how much of the light remaining we need to consider, I wonder if there are different weights applied to it depending how the light was affected


For scattering, do we assume that the light into an object is equal to the light exiting an object, or does absorption still come into play. In real life, objects can do both at the same time, so I am curious to see how graphics deals with this principle?


Building on what the previous person said, would that absorption rate depend not only on the type of material, but the angle of incidence on the surface?


When trying to create the effects of light traveling through a participating medium of choice, would all you need to do is adjust how much light gets absorbed/scattered? Are there other properties of these materials that we would want to consider?


How do we define the partial absorption/scattering of light on a surface. What variables does it depend on?


How exactly does in-scattering work? Would it just update the illuminance of the pixel at that point once or would in scattering actually restart the entire computation and we have a counter or something for how many times a pixel can update?

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