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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (38)

Within my own photography hobby, these and the previous slides are very helpful. I think an understanding of different perspectives and the relationship of your camera with subjects that you want to take pictures of is extremely helpful even within graphics as we can utilize these same techniques to create more visually appealing images.


This is a really cool slide as an amateur photographer looking to improve my work! I would also recommend (to anyone who also enjoys photography) to play with light and some smartphones' auto adjustments. For example, if you point your phone's camera at the ground or a darker area and then move it to a lighter area, the software can sometimes use the auto adjustment to compliment the main subject in a more illuminating way. Just wanted to add this in case anyone finds it helpful!


I always naturally implemented the 1/3rd rule, when I take photos bu I thought it was interesting seeing this explained in lecture. I also try doing a wide space for the sky and this is what is explained to be the dynamic between the camera distance and the zoom.


I do think the 1/3rd rule isn't always a hard and fast thing. Oftentimes the photo says a lot when your subject is deemphasized as that can relate to the story you're trying to tell. Perspective is always super important though!


@el-refai This is a really interesting concept. Do you know of any specific examples where the subject is deemphasized in a photograph? If we deemphasize something in a photograph isn't it no longer the subject?

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