We are often told that aperture has an effect of depth of field (and thus the circle of confusion). This slide is quite interesting in that it puts the observed behavior into math. It's clear from the physics on this slide that a lower aperture would result in a smaller circle of confusion diameter.
If we think of the human eye as a flexible lens, then is shortsightedness/farsightedness the result of a different circle of confusion?
How does the circle of confusion compare to the relationship between the focal plane and focal point, as images are in focus when the latter two align?
We are often told that aperture has an effect of depth of field (and thus the circle of confusion). This slide is quite interesting in that it puts the observed behavior into math. It's clear from the physics on this slide that a lower aperture would result in a smaller circle of confusion diameter.
If we think of the human eye as a flexible lens, then is shortsightedness/farsightedness the result of a different circle of confusion?
How does the circle of confusion compare to the relationship between the focal plane and focal point, as images are in focus when the latter two align?