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Lecture 17: Physical Simulation (47)

One interesting problem I've seen before is trying to figure out the optimal packing of a specific shape in a specified volume (ie how many spheres can be fit into a cylindrical container). I'm wondering if running many trials using a granular material simulation would help calculate that number or at least quickly give a lower bound. We should be able to specify the geometry of the material itself and its container.


A lot of cool research is being made with with particle simulations like that. If you think about it everything in our world is made of particles, but not everything needs to be modeled as them. Regular objects and water/sand are straightforward in preferred method for this matter. But there is a lot of cases when you want to use the mix of both, like cardboard(or bread, or any other organic matter) tearing, animating that would be hard, but simulating a lot of particles throughout the whole scene is too much computation. I wonder if we will arrive at seamless solution which takes the best of both worlds.

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