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Lecture 17: Physical Simulation (49)

It's interesting how most flocking models seem closer to particle simulation as opposed to modeling individual objects, as well as how relatively simple interactions create movement that is visually complex. It's also interesting that as far as I can tell, the Boids algorithm has been in use (with modifications) pretty widely ever since its development in 1986!


This slide demonstrates a simulated flocking model using three simple rules—attraction, repulsion, and alignment—that lead to the complex, coordinated movement of a flock. Each bird is considered a particle, obeying these rules in relation to its neighbors. Remarkably, such straightforward interactions on a micro-level produce sophisticated group behaviors on a macro-level, just like those seen in nature. I'm surprised that flocks can be simulated this simply using only 3 rules/forces.


interesting to see both attraction and repulsion in the diagram. Will it cause oscillatory behavior?


How do the principles of odes apply to the simulation of flocking behavior, what are the challenges behind translating these mathematical models into animations?


I don't seem to understand why the birds are attracted to a centre but repelled from individuals. Initially I thought it had to do with just summing up the attractive forces from each neighbor. But that is obviously not true since the same would apply to repulsion. Why does this difference exist?


In response to those wondering how attraction and repulsion behaviors can coexist, most implementations use two different radii to identify birds that a bird is attracted to and birds that a bird is repelled away from. This way, birds tend to avoid the neighbors that fall within the repulsion radius, which is generally smaller. On the other hand, birds are attracted toward the neighbors that fall within the attraction radius but not the repulsion radius. This way, birds are generally attracted to the center of their neighbors while avoiding collisions with close neighbors.


Seems like these types of problems are common in simulation. Having to solve ODEs to calculate forces in the project atm

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