We can show this using dtdρ=0, there is no change in the mass density of the flow. But the mass density is a function of space and time. Therefore we can easily obtain the following:
However, we also have, from the continuity equation.
Therefore, we concludes that a incompressible fliuds, mean that the divergence of the velocity field is zero.
Reference from a question in Physics 105 HW13 Sp24
We can show this using dtdρ=0, there is no change in the mass density of the flow. But the mass density is a function of space and time. Therefore we can easily obtain the following:
However, we also have, from the continuity equation.
Therefore, we concludes that a incompressible fliuds, mean that the divergence of the velocity field is zero.
Reference from a question in Physics 105 HW13 Sp24