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Lecture 18: Intro to Animation (19)

Although these principles are meant to emulate the natural movement of things, animation exaggerates it for emphasis. It's interesting to think that we now associate these principles with cartoons -- like how people move with a dramatic ease-in/ease-out to appear like cartoon characters on tiktok.


It’s interesting that a lot of the guidelines we follow to make animations more appealing or lifelike don’t necessarily aim to replicate real life. In a lot of cases, the illusion of life comes from exaggerating something that we can observe in real life as opposed to trying to emulate it directly. In fact, an animation that was translated strictly from a real life movement would probably read as quite stiff and boring.


The way that differing styles of animation follow these principles is pretty interesting. For example, when thinking about animation that may have not followed these principles the first thing that came to mind was the animated movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse." Since it was such a unique style of animation I had not seen before I felt like some of these principles had to be disregarded for it to feel so unique. But, upon further research its seems like they found a way to adapt these 12 principles in their own unique ways, by mixing those of 2D and 3D to simulate a comic book coming to life.


Animation uses a lot of things such as keyframing, skeletal animation, and procedural animation, to choreograph motion sequences. It's also important in fluid simulation (which I've heard from people who's taken this class before). I'm excited to learn about waves rng and other stuff.


It's extremely interesting how math-y some of animation is. For example, the ease-in ease-out function is mathematically defined and can be rigorously applied rather than eyeballed while animating movement- just pretty cool that we've translated observational details about how life moves/acts into actionable math to emulate this!

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