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Lecture 18: Intro to Animation (38)

Are the keyframe interpolations for each parameter based on time? In that case, would an "arc" shape represent that "ease in-ease out" aspect of movement where each parameter keyframe represents a certain joint angle and the arc represents a faster change in the acceleration as the parameter moves from one to the other?


@eugenek07 Yes the interpolations are across time per parameter, and if I understand correctly I believe that indeed the curve in the arcs represent faster/slower changes in that parameter.

I found this video which shows a quick explanation of a few interpolation methods (

Something I found interesting from lecture was that the constraint space for interpolation is underspecified and there are many potential solutions, with only a small subset of them looking "natural".


One thing with these splines is that if you notice the 4th point it is quite sharp in its trajectory. Depending on how this is implemented this still can produce unrealistic motions and is something to consider.


In this case, are we using hermite interpolation so that all points are connected? I guess the interpolation performed is different from bsplines as there are no control points.


Is there a special way to interpolate timesteps in animations? Lets say you want a scene to slow down to a crawl. Would we be expanding sin/cos waves to achieve this?

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