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Lecture 18: Intro to Animation (73)

In these motion capture suits, do each of these sensors correspond with a triangle on the polygon mesh or just a region along the mesh? I would imagine that many more sensors would be needed to model intricate meshes.


@rishiskhare that's a really cool question. I found an article that's not super technical but has a high level overview of mocap tech:

I really couldn't find much on the actual software or math behind converting these signals to mesh... could anyone find anything?


This source seemed to provide a good overview on the basics. Section 4.4 being the most detailed chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


Found a source that provides (high-level) conceptualizations of each of these types of motion capture equipment:


How does the density and placement of sensors in each type of motion capture equipment influence the resolution and accuracy of the resulting polygon mesh, and what are the computational challenges involved in translating the sensor data into a detailed and animated 3D model?


It does seem like motion capture data is fitted to a pre-made rig as opposed to being converted directly to a mesh. The rig then controls how the mesh moves. This is done with skinning by associating how parts of the mesh are influenced by the rig


I know that video games like FIFA used real soccer players to capture celebrations and skills using motion capture


I'm curious how in magnetic motion capture, noise from radiation is removed? It seems like a big source of error that can occur.

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