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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (117)

It's kind of fascinating how these three functions span all of the relevant subspace of possible spectra for color vision (because of the metamerism discussed in the next slides). If I really wanted to apply the linear algebra course I took, human color vision is a projection from spectrum space onto human color space which maps infinitely many dimensions of spectrum to 0, but still preserves all dimensions of color vision. This kind of makes sense; for a while, it was strange to me that three different colored LEDs placed closed to each other could trick the eye into seeing colors. But since human color vision processing is such a loss in information anyway, we can afford to make these kinds of substitutions without losing any dimensions of colors.


I'm wondering what does quantal efficiency mean here? Is this related to the proportion/quantity that we have of each type of cone?

Or in other words, does this mean that we are much more sensitive to reds and greens than we are to blues?

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