It is interesting how our perception of color can be affected by both a color's wavelength and relative power. If the wavelength and power increase proportionally, I'm assuming the colors would get brighter or darker but in general will stay within the same color family. However, when the power changes non-proportionally, I think the colors can shift in unique ways. How would high relative power change the colors vs a low relative power? If the relative power was zero would the colors turn black?
It is interesting how our perception of color can be affected by both a color's wavelength and relative power. If the wavelength and power increase proportionally, I'm assuming the colors would get brighter or darker but in general will stay within the same color family. However, when the power changes non-proportionally, I think the colors can shift in unique ways. How would high relative power change the colors vs a low relative power? If the relative power was zero would the colors turn black?