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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (139)

When a solution does receive negative values, does it display a separate color as a placeholder? This feels interesting because with the screen technology currently in usage, it seems like most screens will be able to represent all shades of visual light.


Similar question to above: my first thought was that if we recieve negative light, we would probably just round up to zero and just display a black pixel. However, when I think about times where my own computer screen glitches out, it often displays a bunch of random colors instead. Is that related to negative RGB values?


Do negative values have to do with negative images at all?


When the solution gets a negative color value, I guess there are two approaches: 1. we clip the RGB value so that the negative value is clamped to 0, but this might cause inaccurate representation. 2. Map the negative value to its nearest value in the gamut.


I had always figured that RGB was enough to fully describe color and had never even considered the concept of negative light. It's cool to see that this field still is not solved and there is more work to be done to make more colors representable in displays and in the end it comes down to linear algebra (much like so many other parts of computer science haha). Working in something like expanding displayable colors sounds like a really cool job that I would like to do in the future.

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