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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (166)

This answers my earlier comment about precise colors not fully covering the human color spectrum. However, it seems that because of the effect discussed earlier about relative colors (two colors with the same value in different parts of the picture look entirely different. This means that even if certain colors can't be exactly perceived, the patterns and relative color differences better define images than the raw color values.


I wonder what the sRGB spectrum would look like when translated into CIELAB coordinates. In the image of the sRBG spectrum in the CIEXYZ coordinates, I thought it was interesting that much of the blue-green region was not able to be reproduced, but now realize that this was because of lack of perceptual uniformity. It would be interesting to see what shape the sRGB spectrum takes in the CIELAB coordinates (or even HSV coordinates) to see if some hues are more reproducible than others

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