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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (32)

This experiment reminds me of how our eyes can still perceive color very accurately even when we are in very different lighting conditions (blue, white or yellow light).


Definitely agree. One thought that struck me when looking at this slide is what kind of lighting conditions are used in night vision? It seems that night vision goggles give a similar coloring to this slide (at least from my perspective), so I'm curious what techniques are used in night vision to enhance colors or help us see unique features in images more clearly?


Indeed those external lighting conditions will affect our perception on different colors and our eyes will deceive us in some ways, especially when in some weird and dark lighting, such as in the bar......


This experiment reminded me of the white and gold vs. blue and black debacle from a few years ago, where people saw a dress as either blue and black under a yellow light or white and gold under a blue light. It’s interesting how that one image showed how much visual perception could vary between individuals, even those with the exact same level of color perception. Some people even theorized that night owls tended to see the dress as blue and black because their visual systems were more used to artificial yellow light—meanwhile, early birds tended to see the dress as white and gold because they were more used to natural blue light.


I am also curious about night enhancement, however, after search on internet, I found that night vision technology typically does not enhance colors; instead, it enhances light. Basically, this technology collects tiny amounts of light, including the lower portion of the infrared light spectrum, which is invisible to our eyes. It then amplifies this light so that the image can be seen more clearly by the human eye.


Another interesting thing about this cyan filter is that it is that same sort of filter than I experience when I open my eyes after having them closed when facing the sun. The entire world is sort of blue-shifted like this for a couple of seconds until it returns to normal and honestly when I'm experiencing it I do feel like I have some issues noticing what colors of the stuff around me are supposed to be.


This looks amazing. when the single banana is blue we will think it is blue. Howerver, when we add a color filter of whole picture, it looks like yellow again. It is so cool that how our brain control color feelings.

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