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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (44)

The difference between the orange and brown in this 5x5 cube seems much more pronounced than the white and grey tiles in the previous example. The orange almost seems neon, so I thought it was very intriguing that the shadow has such a pronounced effect on the same colored tile.


Just as rishiskhare mentioned, the difference here is much more obvious than the white and black grids. I can't even figure out they are exactly the same by covering the colors between them.


I understand that our visual system is not just a simple light detector, but a complex interpreter of visual signals. But what I can't understand is why my brain interprets the center one in the shadow as orange. Based on the pattern, red became dark red, green became dark green, blue, yellow, and white all became darker, but only brown became a brighter orange. It seems my brain is not processing these colors totally by pattern.


I think these examples are very interesting in terms of showing how our brains are impacted by the color of surrounding objects when identifying the color of something we observe. It's very cool how colors with a big contrast can make an object appear more vivid or more dark depending on how they compare.

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