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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (73)

When I took Physics III, I learnt about this experiment when discussing about Optics. Really fascinating stuff. In my physics class we talked about Wave/Particle Duality and double-edge split experiments. I'm curious on why there is so much physics overlap in this CS course.


Building on top of nugget's response, I think it's extremely fascinating how much of a role physics plays in graphics throughout this class. I've always heard of physics engines for game rendering, but I never realized it was this faithful to real life physics phenomenon.


Agreed, its surprising how many parallels there are between real life physics and simulating physics on a computer. Im glad im able to finally put some of my physics knowledge to use!


It's quite marvelous how a simple prism unraveling sunlight into a spectrum laid the groundwork for the various color systems we use in computer graphics today.


Just like how Isaac Newton's discover of gravity how does this experiment challenge beliefs and ideas back then? And how did this discover impact the field whether it's academics or the usage of this knowledge.


One thing that would be really interesting is to see the BRDF for a prism. Trying to actually simulate this phenomena and then having a sort of ray tracing where the rays themselves have color instead of just illuminance

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