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Lecture 20: Intro to Color Science II (146)

I find the visualization of the spectral locus within the 3D color space quite intriguing. It clearly demonstrates the responses of the L, M, and S cones in our eyes to varying wavelengths of light. What I'm wondering now is how this understanding of the LMS responses can be applied in real-life scenarios. For instance, how might this model be used to improve display technologies or assist in the development of corrective lenses for color blindness? I'm also curious about the model's limitations—does it account for the variability in color perception among different individuals, and if not, how could it be adjusted to do so?


Values on the curve represent the light wavelength, I was confused without this info


I think it is interesting to see how the spectral locus plots out the chromaticty of monochromatic light sources. Also, it reminds me of the complexity of visual perception where the wavelengths of light are intepreted by S, M, L scones.

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