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Lecture 21: Image Sensors (23)

This approach to separating the colors of the light seems very difficult to do at a small scale. I wonder if there are cameras out there that use this technique. It seems like this technique would be more accurate than demosiacing but result in a lower resolution image


On this subject, when doing research into robotics, I found that some robots use specialized cameras to perform color separation since these techniques are quite useful for distinguishing bad products on assembly lines and can help with computer vision. One common strategy is to underexpose the camera and use retroreflective tape to isolate different colors and features within an image, so that computer vision and image processing techniques have an easier time identifying different colors and edges within the image.


I think 3 sensor color architecture actually increases resolutions as there is no need for interpolation. Each color channel is captured directly at each pixel's across the sensor dedicated to that color which allows the image to retain its sharpness

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