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Lecture 21: Image Sensors (28)

This gist of the photo-electric effect is that the electrons are essentially shot out of lower energy states when they receive a photon containing enough energy. Is the saturation capacity determined by how many electrons are available in the semiconductor that can be shot out? Or can we externally control the saturation capacity?


The human eye can also saturate on light, which is one of the reasons why our pupils dilate and constrict. This allows us to adjust what we perceive as light and dark by adjusting how much light enters the eye. In addition, rods and cones also function differently depending on brightness. Rods are more sensitive in low light than cones, hence why we see less color when it's dark


It's interesting to consider how the concept of "saturation" in sensors parallels biological systems, not just in terms of capacity but also in response to overstimulation. While the sensor's saturation capacity is a fixed physical trait determined by its design and the semiconductor's characteristics, there's a dynamic aspect to how cameras as systems manage this limitation. Advanced image processing techniques, like software-based HDR, can synthesize a wider dynamic range from multiple exposures, somewhat akin to the brain's role in processing visual input from the eyes to enhance perception under varying light conditions.

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