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Lecture 21: Image Sensors (40)

It used to be recommended to only take HDR images when you are taking pictures of still objects. Now I know that this is because HDR takes a fast sequence of images and having a moving object would blur the image.


I wasn't sure what the HDR function was for when taking pictures on my phone. It's really interesting to learn how HDR can merge multiple exposures of the same scene to generate an image that has more enhanced detail and contrast. Now knowing this, I think it would be the best to use the HDR function when taking photos of backlit scenes or of an object with natural lighting.


When smartphones did not automatically make photos HDR, I personally just did not notice any difference between non-HDR and HDR pictures. I'm not sure if it is because I now know what HDR is, but I was wondering if this minuscule of a difference in non-HDR and HDR in the past in my eyes was also due to the quality of the camera and the display of the phones itself not because of the HDR itself.

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