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Lecture 21: Image Sensors (59)

I was a little confused here as to what is going on in this slide.

In my understanding, an error-free image would be more vibrant in colors, and the cross-talk is causing the resulting image to look more washed out?

If so, I'm wondering why that is? Is it because cross-talk causes higher variance in the collected pixel value samples, which drives the average sample to something more grey/desaturated?


Cross-talk is additive noise; it arises from light passing through a specific filter (i.e. red), but then hitting a different sensor (i.e. green or blue).

This increases the amount of overall light being sampled/processed, raising the values of pixels making the display brighter


^adding on: I suppose it's not just that the average pixel value increases. At a pixel level, the relative difference between the Red/Green/Blue components of colors decreases. This distorts colors into appearing more washed out, as they are become closer to some "average" color value

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