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Lecture 21: Image Sensors (78)

The arrival of photons follows a Poisson distribution, with the mean equal to the expected number of photons, and the standard deviation being the square root of that number. Consequently, the SNR for photon shot noise can be expressed as the square root of the expected number of photons. The slide explains how the shot noise scales with the square root of the number of photons collected by a pixel. For example, a pixel that captures 10,000 photoelectrons will have an SNR improvement ten times more than one that captures 1,000


The relationship between photon count and SNR is important in numerous applications from medical imaging to astrophotography. I believe this slide equation underscores the importance of sensor sensitivity and lens aperture in photography and some other sicentific measurements. I think practical real world examples can be adjustments in a camera's setting.


Do photons truly arrive according to a Poisson distribution (implying that this SNR = sqrt(lambda) fact is true and empirically verifiable), or is the Poisson distribution just a good approximation, and the SNR should be computed empirically instead of relying on the equation?

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