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Lecture 22: Image Processing (55)

As another example of texture synthesis algorithm (and partially because the name is kind of cool): It uses the idea of entropy of tiles, and collapses them into one of the various patterns, in order of lowest to highest. In each step of "collapsing" a tile, it provides more information to the surrounding tiles which influences the amount of entropy on the following step.


It's cool how the synthesized text reads like a different language. Seems like it detected statistical patterns in language, such as how vowels come after consonants.


Just adding on to llejj, in that the synthesized text is very interesting to see! The synthesized text is no different from any other pattern we've seen so far in previous slides. What is interesting to note is that it also follows a pattern of having consistent vowels between consonants, which makes sense because that is what it sees in the source texture.

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