Recall: Metamerism is the phenomenon where 2 colors that have different spectral power distributions appear similar or equivalent under specific lighting conditions and this is due to the way the eye's cones respond to different wavelengths of light. The 2 colors produce the same response in the human eye. The two images show how 2 disks can be perceived as the same color by the human eye despite being made up of different wavelengths.
It's interesting how similary to metamerism, jpeg uses the features of the human eye to achieve a goal, which in jpeg's case is compression. I wonder if something similar can be done with audio to compress it further.
As a result of metamerism, it is possible for two colors that appear to be the same to have different spectral power distributions. The difference in SPDs would be invisible to us because our cone cells do may not respond to these differences in wavelength
One thing I wonder is how the specific color pixels used in screens (ex. RGB) are chosen. Metamerism allows these pixels to represent the same color with a simpler SPD. But is there some specific benefit to red, green, and blue?
Something that I am curious about is if there is an extent to which they can have different spectral power distributions. For example, would the image differ at wavelength 600 for a relative power of 2000?
Recall: Metamerism is the phenomenon where 2 colors that have different spectral power distributions appear similar or equivalent under specific lighting conditions and this is due to the way the eye's cones respond to different wavelengths of light. The 2 colors produce the same response in the human eye. The two images show how 2 disks can be perceived as the same color by the human eye despite being made up of different wavelengths.
It's interesting how similary to metamerism, jpeg uses the features of the human eye to achieve a goal, which in jpeg's case is compression. I wonder if something similar can be done with audio to compress it further.
As a result of metamerism, it is possible for two colors that appear to be the same to have different spectral power distributions. The difference in SPDs would be invisible to us because our cone cells do may not respond to these differences in wavelength
One thing I wonder is how the specific color pixels used in screens (ex. RGB) are chosen. Metamerism allows these pixels to represent the same color with a simpler SPD. But is there some specific benefit to red, green, and blue?
Something that I am curious about is if there is an extent to which they can have different spectral power distributions. For example, would the image differ at wavelength 600 for a relative power of 2000?