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Lecture 23: Virtual Reality (44)

I find it interesting that different headsets have been made with different specs to support different types of games and virtual reality needs; for example, the resolution and field of view are changed based on the experience desired.


That's a really good point, @jananisriram! I think this idea comes back to the main idea of how there is NO perfect field-of-view to focal-length ratio. It all depends on the photo (or in this case, game and experience) you are desiring. My guess is that games requiring you to take note of the ENTIRE screen at all times would definitely benefit from a larger field of view, while games that don't require this will end up using a smaller field-of-view for the most optimal experience.


Higher resolution helps make VR feel real, but it needs more power. Do VR games change resolution or field of view on the fly to match what's happening, or is it fixed?

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